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contact improvisation and embodiment

simonetta Alessandri
jürgen kendziora
Lea schmidt
david bloom
hassan Aftabruyan
nita little
vega luukkonen and hugh stanier
hassan Aftabruyan

Contact Class. Body, techniques, awareness, communication. A contact class for more physical possibilities, to open your senses and to play with the principles of physical communication. Please register! 15 EUR / Unit or 40 EUR / month

Bodywork2Dance uses different types of bodyrelease techniques to relax us. Our body starts to flow. This is the time to start dancing into heaven. Please register! 15 EUR / Unit or 40 EUR / month

Class into Jam with focus on CI fundamentals. 90 Minutes Class, 90 Minutes Jam (Only Jam is possible. Please register!15 EUR / Unit or 40 EUR / month

Contact jamming with all that is in you in that moment. Neusser Str. 26, Aikidoschule im Hinterhof. 10 EUR cash, PayPal, CreditCard
(not incl. in monthly subscription plans)

Comments to the jam space

every 1st sunday
TwiligHt lab

12 hours dancing between night and day. Please register via E-mail or messenger. Costs 40 EUR

My focus

Contact Improvisation is not restricted by forms. Our movements are free. In other words: they are driven by our own decisions. I am interested in the non-performing aspect of this art, the non-violent body communication and the creation of an unintentional space to witness all aspects of creation.




What is Contact Improvisation?

Contact Improvisation is an evolving system of movement initiated in 1972 by American choreographer Steve Paxton. The improvised dance form is based on the communication between two moving bodies that are in physical contact and their combined relationship to the physical laws that govern their motion—gravity, momentum, inertia. The body, in order to open to these sensations, learns to release excess muscular tension and abandon a certain quality of willfulness to experience the natural flow of movement. Practice includes rolling, falling, being upside down, following a physical point of contact, supporting and giving weight to a partner. Contact improvisations are spontaneous physical dialogues that range from stillness to highly energetic exchanges. Alertness is developed in order to work in an energetic state of physical disorientation, trusting in one’s basic survival instincts. It is a free play with balance, self-correcting the wrong moves and reinforcing the right ones, bringing forth a physical/emotional truth about a shared moment of movement that leaves the participants informed, centered, and enlivened.

Early definition by Steve Paxton and others, 1970s, from CQ Vol. 5:1, Fall 1979